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Large Animal

Goliad Animal Clinic offers healthcare services for large animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, and some horses. We provide preventative care, diagnosis and treatment of sick animals, and a variety of veterinary medical and surgical procedures. We are equipped to handle large animals at our facility, and we do make farm calls by appointment only.

Our doctors supply herd health that includes vaccines, deworming, and external parasite control. We perform fecal testing, breeding soundness exams, pregnancy determination, Coggins testing (EIA), and provide Health certificates. Our large animal surgery services include castrations, laceration repairs, and dehorning.

If you need to schedule a farm visit for your livestock, please call the office today. We are happy to come to you by appointment if you are within the vicinity of Goliad, Refugio, Woodsboro, Cuero, Yorktown, and Victoria.